COI (Wright)
--% (only 12 of 30 dogs)
Some results of attending showsIn this section you can see some information about show achievements of the dog, based on the show results from SHOWS section.
Date of show | Show name | Country | Class | Number of dogs in class | Number of dogs on the show (same sex / all) | Status | Result | Judge | 24.02.2019 | МОСКВА ЕВРАЗИЯ, КУБОК РКФ | Russia | Open | 7 | 25 / 44 | International | 003, ex.
| Lashkova Olga Nikolayevna | 23.02.2019 | МОСКВА ЕВРАЗИЯ 2019 | Russia | Open | 5 | 24 / 41 | Speciality (CW) | 004, ex.
| Rony DOEDIJNS | 04.04.2018 | ЯКУТСК ЧЕМПИОН НКП 2018
| Russia | Club Champion | 1 | 15 / 31 | Speciality (Club champion) | б/м, ex.
CCC | Gorodilov Stanislav Valentinovich | 01.04.2017 | ЯКУТСК ЧЕМПИОН НКП 2017
| Russia | Winner | 2 | 14 / 23 | Speciality (Club champion) | 001, ex. Best Male BIG - 0 Club Champion CH CLUB RUS | Filatova Alla | 01.04.2017 | ЯКУТСК ЯРАС ЧРКФ | Russia | Open | 5 | 10 / 16 | National | б/м, ex. Best Male, BOB CAC ЧРКФ | Mikhail Permiakov | 01.05.2016 | ЯКУТСК ЧЕМПИОН НКП 2016 | Russia | Winner | 1 | 10 / 18 | Speciality (Club champion) | 001, ex.
CCC | Zhitkova Lyubov | 17.05.2015 | ЯКУТСК ЧЕМПИОН НКП 2015
| Russia | Open | 4 | 12 / 23 | Speciality (Club champion) | 002, ex.
CC | Kirkitskaya Galina Vladimirovna | 04.10.2014 | ЯКУТСК ЯРАС КЧФ
| Russia | Intermedia | 2 | 6 / 8 | Regional | б/м,
R.CAC | Vasilyev Oleg | 17.05.2014 | ЯКУТСК ЧЕМПИОН НКП 2014
| Russia | Junior | 8 | 22 / 52 | Speciality (Club champion) | б/м, ex.
| Evgenyi Lepeha | 10.05.2014 | ЯКУТСК ЯРАС ЧРКФ
| Russia | Junior | 3 | 9 / 19 | National | б/м, v.g.
| Yanchev Oleg Vladimirovich | Last update was 10.07.2021 | Sire:
Date of birth:
No pedigree:
РКФ 3704645 Р
Tattoo / Chip:
AKM 8762
Red & White
Offspring in base:
7 males 6 females
PICTURES | Photo by unknown |  | Photo by unknown |  | Photo by unknown |  | Photo by unknown |