Health tests
HD-B/B, ED-0/0
COI (Wright)
Some results of attending showsIn this section you can see some information about show achievements of the dog, based on the show results from SHOWS section.
Date of show | Show name | Country | Class | Number of dogs in class | Number of dogs on the show (same sex / all) | Status | Result | Judge | 03.10.2021 | France, 47éme NE du Club Français des Chiens Nordiques et des Spitz du Japon | France | Champion | 2 | 23 / 61 | Regional | 002, ex.
| Gorodilov Stanislav Valentinovich | 04.10.2020 | 46éme Nationale d'Elevage des Chiens Nordiques et des Spitz du Japo | France | Open | 9 | 19 / 51 | Regional | 002, ex.
| Barenne Roger | 21.06.2020 | Virtual Dog Show. "Yakutian Laika.Online World Cup»" Males, intermediate , open, working, winnwr, champion, NBC champion, veteran class
| Russia | Intermedia | 8 | 41 / 41 | International | 002, ex.
| Vasilyev Oleg | 12.01.2020 | IDS PARIS DOG SHOW CACS-CACIB | France | Junior | 3 | 5 / 9 | International | 001, ex. Best Junior CAC.j | M. ROTSILD | 11.01.2020 | Paris Dog Show CACS | France | Junior | 3 | 5 / 9 | Regional | 001, ex.
| Raymond Soulat | 15.12.2019 | NANTES Dimanche CACIB | France | Junior | 1 | 1 / 4 | International | 001, ex. Best Junior | M. BARENNE | 23.11.2019 | MARTIGUES Nov. - CACIB | France | Junior | 1 | 2 / 4 | International | 001, ex. Best Junior | Erdos Lazlo | 22.11.2019 | MARTIGUES Novembre - CACS | France | Junior | 1 | 2 / 5 | Regional | б/м, ex. Best Junior | KLEIN Jean-Claude | 17.11.2019 | Exposition Nationale LE MANS | France | Junior | 1 | 3 / 11 | Regional | 001, ex. Best Junior CAC.j | Khizhnyak Vitaliy | 19.10.2019 | Exposition Internationale POITIERS | France | Junior | 1 | 1 / 4 | International | б/м, ex. Best Junior CAC.j | Barenne Roger | Last update was 02.08.2023 | Sire:
Date of birth:
No pedigree:
PKR : Rn-564
Tattoo / Chip:
Black & White & Red
Offspring in base:
5 males 11 females
PICTURES | Photo by unknown |  | Photo by unknown |  | Photo by unknown |